Prospective Students and Universities meet for the Third Time at the Anatolian Universities Association University Promotional Fairs
Prospective Students and Universities meet for the Third Time at the Anatolian Universities Association University Promotional Fairs

The University Promotional Fairs, organized by the Anatolian Universities Association and playing an influential role in the young people’s future planning process, started in Kayseri.

The first of these fairs was organized in Kayseri Abdullah Gül University on Sumer Campus. Fairs will be organized in 10 more cities including Amasya, Erzincan, Elazığ, Kırşehir, Nevşehir, Niğde, Malatya, Sivas, Tokat, and Yozgat. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Fatih Altun, Term Chairman of Anatolian Universities Association; Rector of Abdullah Gül University Prof. Dr. Cengiz Yılmaz, Rector of Kayseri University Prof. Dr. Kurtuluş Karamustafa, Rector of Sivas Science and Technology University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kul, REctor Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Prof. Dr. Akın Levent, Rector of Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University Prof. Dr. Fatih Yılmaz, Rector of Kırsehir Ahi Evran University Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, Rector of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Prof. Dr. Hasan Uslu, Vicer Rector of Fırat University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yılmaz, Vice Rector of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Prof. Dr. Mutluhan Akın, Vice Rector of Yozgat Bozok University Prof. Dr. Tansel Hacıhasanoğlu, our Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Oktay Özkan and Prof. Dr. M. Hakan Poyrazoğlu, and our Secretary General Prof. Dr. İbrahim Narin attended the opening ceremony of the fair.

At the fair where lots of prospective students received information about universities, departments, professions, university life, facilities and career opportunities that the universities offer, a lot of high-school students found an opportunity to have information about the universities that are members of the Anatolian Universities Association, visited the participating universities’ booths and got detailed information about their dream universities and professions.

Staff members and academics in charge of the booths guided the students regarding their future plans.

Stating that Abdullah Gül University hosted the fair with active participation this year, our Rector said: “15 universities are members of the Anatolian Universities Association. This is a program that will continue in 11 more cities. The first of these fairs was organized in Kayseri.”

Underlining that being in cooperation with such esteemed stakeholders, university rectors and administrators makes things easier, Professor Altun continued as follows: “This cooperation is very important because our primary focus, as universities, is the education of our students. In this sense, I think it is vital for universities to be able to give information about themselves to the students. I am of the opinion that such fairs will have positive effects on students and help them choose their professions and plan their careers.”

Our Rector thanked Prof. Dr. Cengiz Yılmaz, Rector of Abdullah Gül University, for his support and contribution to the fair.

Stating that Abdullah Gül University hosted the opening of the first promotional fair, Prof. Dr. Cengiz Yılmaz said: “The aim of these fairs is to bring prospective students together with universities. It is essential to provide our students with correct information; however, more importantly, it is crucial to tell them that not only the universities in Istanbul and Ankara offer high quality education but also the universities in Anatolia that the Anatolian Universities Association represents offer qualified education and enable their students to get ready for their professional lives. In this context, this fair serves for this purpose.”

After speeches, Prof. Dr. Fatih Altun visited the booths together with guests and students.

07 May 2024 Tuesday
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